Sunday, January 07, 2007

I'm a pussy cat...meow!

I love pussy cats, they are fun to play with. I have learnt to pat them carefully.

I can crawl really fast now and stand up all by myself. I prefer to crawl because it's faster than holding on to things and trying to walk.

My favourite time to crawl is when Mummy or Daddy are trying to put a nappy on me. Once the dirty nappy is off so am I. I look back at Mum or Dad and giggle as I take off!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My cousin Max and cuddles

On the way home from our big trip we stayed with Grandad John and saw my cousin Max! He is fun to play with cos he can crawl too.

We gave each other Christmas presents and played together.

He even let me play on his big Ford car. It has an accelerator and a brake and it even has a gear lever. Whatever...I was most impressed by the horn.

We are home now...a whole week away is a lot for a little girl. I didn't get to sleep two nights in a row in the same room! I'm glad to be home but I'm very very tired.

Thank you to everyopne I saw who fed me and cuddled me and bathed me and let me sleep at their house.
I hope to see you all again soon.
Remember to visit at Easter for Grandma and Grandpop's big party.

Daddy and I went to Auckland

We visited Great Aunty Dale and Uncle Chris and their doggies. I even met Great, great Aunty Nan...she's 90!

Fun with the father of the groom, the groom and the sister of the groom.

The day after the wedding...chilling at Kev's place.

Family fun at the wedding of the year

I was loved by many people at this wedding. I think it's cos I was nearly as pretty as the bride and she's an ex cheer leader prom queen from America!

Me in my pretty dress and the wedding of the year.

My second cousin, Christopher got married on the 27th of December.
Thanks Stacey for the pretty dress to wear. I liked meeting you a few days later.

Grandma liked her present on Xmas Day

Everyone gave Grandma a trip to Martinborough for Xmas. She seemed to like the idea lots.

Great Gram and Ian came to Grandma and Grandpop's house for Xmas as well. Ian pulls great faces, I like to copy him.

Christmas Day

How pretty is my dress? Thank you Aunty Mary and Pete for my pretty dress. I got it covered in jelly beans and strawberries and anything I could lay my hands on. Lucky for me Grandad is such a good dress cleaner!

Christmas Day was so much fun. Everyone got to wear silly hats that Santa brought, open lots of presents (ya for wrapping paper) and eat lots.

Uncle Ant gave me a saxaphone that plays Cookie Monster jazz...that is so loud and so much fun!

Grandma and Grandpop gave me a truck and some cars...I can make them go brmmmmmmm brmmmmmm.

Shopping Xmas Eve

Well...not all that exciting I say.

I did have my photo taken with Santa but he was a bit scary.

BUT just two days before I TOOK MY FIRST STEPS!!!!!!!! YA YA YA

We had a birthday dinner for Aunty Chrissie and everyone was watching how clever I was standing by myself then...I toddled. I haven't done much since but it's a start.

Congratulations Mary

This is my American Aunty Mary. She just got engaged!!!!!!

My Trolley

I love it

Being silly in my highchair

What is more fun? Food, singing and giggles!

Mum and I have lots of fun in the mornings. It often takes us an hour to have breakfast but Mum says there's nothing more important to do.

Check out my fun bib in this photo. It is a really great bib, my friend Mac's grandma gave it to me. Ya.

Mum was bored waiting for this photo to upload so she found the website the bib came from:

Hanging with Dad

I love to play with Dad.

This photo was taken very early in the morning. Daddy got up with me at 6am and let Mum sleep in! Mum says that he is the best husband in the world.

He and I played in this box while we were still in our pyjamas. It was so much fun.

Daddy always comes up with the best games and he lets me splash all over the bathroom.

Xmas with the Gartys in Khandallah

We had a very early Christmas celebration at Great Aunty Ange and Uncle Pete's house. I loved it because everyone wanted to cuddle me.

This is a photo of me and my second cousin Penny, she gave me great cuddles. She is a ballet dancer, one day she might teach me some steps.

While I was there I got in my pyjamas cos it got really late and I was up past my bedtime.

Doing the Gardening


I love to help Daddy do the gardening. There are so many bugs to eat and so much grass to pull out. I always wear my hat when I go outside cos I don't want to get burnt.

The best times I have had outside have been at Playcentre with Mum. We play in the sandpit, on the swings and with the cars. Daddy's going to take me to Playcentre next year. I'm looking forward to that. Mum says to be careful with me and the big cars cos I'm like my Daddy. I never want to get out of them! Sometimes I let the whole neighbourhood know that I don't want to get out of the cars.

Daddy's birthday

On Daddy's birthday he got a back pack to carry me in. I think that it is great. He says that we will be able to go for lots of walks with it next year. Mummy thinks that it's much more sensible than a baby seat for a bike, she's a scaredy cat.

We went up through the Belmont National Park to some waterfalls. I loved it, I giggled and giggled at the water. Then I fell asleep on the way back down. Daddy says that he thinks he should take Great Aunty Sharon up the track...maybe when she and Uncle Kev come for the Sevens in February. I think that should be fun.


In November I learnt how to crawl and pull myself up. I love the independance that this has brought; the world is full of rooms to explore. I have found Mummy's stash of baby magazines and ripped many of them to shreds, I have put finger marks all over the tv and, best of all, I found a bag of jelly beans in the pantry and had a wee feast.

Being able to move is great!

Aunty Chrissie likes to have races with me. I think that I could be a faster crawler than her, despite the fact that she ran up some of the Kepler track ....

Grandpop's new tv

My Grandpop got a new tv so I got the box that it came in. I had so much fun playing in the box. I even got to pretend to be a pussy cat. They are my favourite animals...only because they are about all I get to see up close. I like dogs lots too...we have one next door and I can make the noises that he does.

Grandma introduced me to ducks, they're fun as well.

Grandad John and Denise have some horses. One day I might be able to ride them . Right now I'm happy just giggling at them.

My cousin Max

Max and Uncle Mike and Aunty Ezara came to visit me. They had to go to Nelson on the day of my birthday but, lucky for me, our house is on the way to Nelson! I got to play with Max twice. He's my little cousin but he's just as big as me, that's confusing.

I love him because he plays with me and he's the only cousin I have. Mum says that's ironic considering the family sizes but I'm not sure what that means.

Max can sit up and eats solids just like me. He even sat in my high chair when he was at our house.

The Wheels on the Bus - ya for turning one!!!

This is my favourite toy at the is a wheels on the bus bus. It sings lots of verses to me. The horn beeps, the door opens and the wipers move. When I push the bus the people go up and down. It makes me smile and giggle lots.

It is great for me cos I love to dance and sing all the time. Mum says that I am the perfect partner for her because she gets to pick the music, dance as crazily as she wants and I enjoy her singing. I hope that Daddy sings and dances with me next year.

For those of you who don't know...Mummy is going back to school to teach and Daddy is going to be my at home person. Fun!

I turned one!

This is me and Gram at my birthday party. Gram is my great grandmother. She lives in Paraparaumu. I like to visit her and Ian and go swimming in their pool.

The hair clip is from my friend Mackenzie...she couldn't make it to the party but she sent me some fun presents. My dress came from a lovely lady at Grandma's work, I was very lucky to have it.

I had lots of fun at my party, so many lovely people came. Thanks for all of my presents and thanks to Grandma and Grandpop for hosting it. Uncle Richard helped Mum to blow up 75 pink balloons! They were so much fun to play with. Grandpop did a great job on the barbecue, ya.

Running Away


I got dressed in my prettiest dress and packed my things up and thought I'd run away to vist Aunty Gel in London. You'll notice that Dad wasn't too worried and Mum just took photos. They were right - I didn't get very far. Too many toys to play with at home and I'd miss Grandma.

Walking in Turangi

Mum, Dad and Grandma took me for a big walk while we stayed in Turangi. They didn't realise quite how interesting the track was. Luckily Daddy and Grandma are strong because they had to carry me up lots of stairs and over tree roots...I had fun!

Our visit to Hamilton in October

While we were in Turangi we dashed up to Hamilton for the night and we got to see baby Mackenzie. She is very cute! She even did a fashion show for us. This is her and her daddy, the clothes are supplied by her grandma.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Our October holiday

While we were on holiday Grandpop took us on a cruise. We went out on Lake Taupo and had lots of fun. The best bit was the ducks who ate food from the captain's hands! They flew alongside the boat.

Dad didn't come with us because he decided to bike around the lake instead!!! He was practising for his big race. He did the race in November, I'm very proud of him because he biked around the whole lake very quickly.

We Went on a Big Trip to Turangi, Taupo and Hamilton

At the end of October Grandma and Grandpop took me, Mum and Dad on a lovely holiday. We stayed in a house in Turangi and played around there (the hot pools were my favourite) and went to Taupo for day trips (the shopping there was Mummy's favourite).

While we were up there we also went on a trip to Hamilton to see people. This is my Great Nana Devery who lives in Kihikihi.

Nana Ponting Turned 80

The Whole Family!!!!
In October we went for a big trip to Patea to see Daddy's family to celebrate Nana Ponting's 80th and to unveil Grandad Ponting's head stone. It was a fun weekend. I even got to meet Great Uncle Ray and Aunty Val from Aussie!