Friday, October 03, 2008

Bike Trailer

Have wheels, will travel.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Look at me

I think i can
Getting messy

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Dad is back looking after the kids.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A fun visit

Great Aunty Ange and Uncle Pete came to visit. (Great in the wonderful sense of the word...)
We had a lovely dinner and lots of awesome cuddles. The dessert was amazing....Zach slept well!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Thanks for a great holiday Aunty Chrissie, Mala and Popop

We had a fun week in Waikanae.

Zach had his first swim...not in the was a bit cold for that.

Our Cousin Max!

We are sad he's going to Australia! Thanks for coming to visit this week.

Love Jessie and Zach xo

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Oh how busy we have been

Zach is now five months old and about 8kg. He loves to talk, watch his sister, smile, giggle and kick his legs.

A few weeks ago Terry, who is Mum's older brother from Australia, came to visit. Mummy says he looks lots like her cousin Lisa.

We did have a great photo of Uncle Ant helping Daddy weld, but we seem to have lost it. We love Uncle Ant coming to visit from Auckland - especially if he brings Easter Eggs.

We have been to Palmerston North twice recently. The first time was for Grandad John and Denise's wedding. Jessica was a beautiful flower girl. Daddy and Uncle Mike were groomsmen and looked 'dashing' in their suits.

Wee Max was the ring bearer...not that he did much bearing. We are all sad cos he is moving to Australia with Uncle Mike and Aunty Ezara.

Our cousin Liam is going to Australia too...we are not so happy about the Aussies stealing all of our favourite people.

When we went to PNorth Granny and Pete let us stay in their big house. Thanks Granny and Pete!

Uncle Richard isn't moving to Australia or even to Auckland!!! We think that's great.

Love Jessica and Zach


Monday, March 03, 2008

Busy busy busy

We had such a busy weekend. Granny Val came to stay and to watch Daddy do his bike race. We are proud of Daddy for doing so well.

Zach learnt to suck his fingers and to grab at toys. He also learnt how to hold a conversation! Very very cute.

Uncle Ant came to visit too. He had a really fun gig at the San Francisco Bath House in Wellington. Daddy and Mala really enjoyed it. We all wished we could have seen him.

Jessica spent lots of time changing Dolly and Pooh Bear's bum bums and giving them food. She is so helpful.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Saturday, February 02, 2008


We are just hanging out for Playcentre and music to start.

Zach has grown lots and loves to have a chat. That makes three talkers in the house...poor Daddy!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

What Zach has been up to.

It's been a busy life so far. Had Dad turning 30!!! not long after I was born. Had Xmas, went to a wedding and got baptised. Have two more weddings to go to this year already. I have to say that being baptised was hard work, I had to have a large nap to recover from all the effort I put into it.

Last weekend Mum, Jessica, Mala and I went to visit Gram and Ian. It was lots of fun - they do seem to spoil Jessica...I hope I get that much attention when I'm her age!

Zach Mathew William Devery (my parents obviously thought I needed a big name???)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Holiday Time

I had lots of fun meeting Father Xmas and I liked his big chair.

We had lots and lots of fun with our huge family during Christmas time.

Aunty Chrissie came up from down south, Uncle Ant came down from Auckland!

Aunty Gel and Uncle Mike came over from London. We had great weather so people went for lots of walks. This is Mala, Aunty Gel and Aunty Chrissie after a fun walk. I was potty trained during the holidays. Aunty Gel and Aunty Chrissie helped to train me. I wear undies now!

Christopher and Jolene came over from the States and they gave me fun presents!

It was all very tiring for me and Zach!

Wedding - cheating...!


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